Friday, March 11, 2011


oh, if only.

In light of PFW, I wanted to finish this post. I started it as a draft knowing that this photo really really struck a chord in me, but not knowing where, exactly, I wanted to take it.

This is a shot taken by Scott Schuman from Preen's SS 2011 line. He commented on the beauty of the dress and the model herself, but I wanted to point out something entirely different; her feet.

Her feet are way. too. big. for those shoes and 'tis a haute couture runway model's life.  Her toes are curling over the tips of the 5-6 inch stilletto-heeled shoes and the strap of the heels are so tightly wound 'round the backs of her ankles.  Do you see how the toes on her right foot are literally touching the runway as she walks?  The shoes, however beautiful they are, are clearly at least two sizes too small for this model.  Yet, look at her face, her poise, her elegance and, as the great Sartorialist himself pointed out, the way the dress moves, unnerved by the obvious pain shooting through her entire body from the much-too-tight shoes.  Some may say that's the price models pay, but no, I think this is the price many of us pay on a daily basis.

We hide our insecurities, our sorrows, our angst to display a facade of poised confidence. Sometimes it works like a charm, sometimes it doesn't.  I'm sure no one noticed the model's poor poor feet and only saw how beautifully she sashayed down that runway.  The image as a whole is worth hiding a few flaws bit of pain for, I'd say. 

We're all models.



EDIT: "flaws" was a horrible word choice.  I don't think insecurity, pain, anxiety, sadness, or anything of the sort is a flaw in any way. 

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