Tuesday, February 2, 2010

life became fun again.

but i don't want
it to ever stop being fun.

I was talking to an acquaintance 8 years my senior. The brother is 30 and needs to get hitched. In response to my question of "why haven't you given marriage a serious thought?" he replied with, "life became fun again."

A million questions flooded my mind as I read his immensely childish yet excruciatingly valid answer. Was not life fun for you until recently? Do you only consider marriage when you're bored with life? Is married-life dull? At age 22, I am jumping the gun but an influx of wedding invitations, including one to one of my best friends, has got me thinking.

Life has been fun for me for 22 years. I don't want the fun to stop. His response is so sad for so many reasons. His grasp on life, his definition of fun, his vision of marriage; he has ruined the pristine beauty of all these things with that 4-word answer. If the day my fun expires is the day I say my wedding vows, maybe I should reconsider marriage.

HAHA! Yea, right. Mark my words, I will be a rockstar bride.



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