Thursday, January 21, 2010


the lowest of lows.
utterly and completely appalled.

There was this boy. I liked him very much. This was all in the past. Even after parting ways however, I believed he was a good person with a happy future.

Long story short, I've just stumbled upon a bit of information regarding him and what he's become now. And let me just say that I am so disgusted that I literally have a bad taste in my mouth. If this is really what he's become, then I am totally mortified and regretful of my past with him. If this is just a facade or a mistake of some sort, then I hope he's smart enough to sift away the bad from the good.

Poor guy. Really really really poor guy. Tsktsk.




  1. some people's lives are so complicated, that its hard to judge them when they finally go into social exile. give it some time, he'll get it right :]
