Friday, February 25, 2011

moleskin v. smythson

battle it out,
you leatherbound beauties.

Scribbling my thoughts in a notepad has been a constant source of remembrance and reflection for me, ever since I can remember. Wilder months brimming with fun events and fond memories (usually during a transition phase of some sort) always took up more space than the more timid times of repetitive everyday life, but oddly enough, the notes I made during these "normal" days always contained more profound observations. Starting with neon unicorn Lisa Frank notepads in elementary school, to the Mead Composition ones in middle school, then the Five-Star college-ruled notebooks in high school, then perusing the shelves of fancier more sophisticated notebooks in Barnes & Noble and choosing the most "adult," yet, aesthetically pleasing one I can find in college, to ultimately deciding on the Moleskin as the best notebook to fit my purposes, I am now at another crossroads where I can either choose to betray my beloved Moleskin brand or remain faithful to its simple leatherbound pages.

Smythson has caught my eye and my Moleskin is fighting a losing battle. I went through the pages of my small Moleskin recently and came upon a few thoughts I'd like to elaborate on by means of this blog. I miss creative writing. I miss taking a seemingly nondescript singular line of no particular fascination and transforming it into a literary mess of words that capture a tangible emotion or demand a reaction or, at the very least, spark the reader's interest.

This blog as a temporary museum to showcase some excerpts (refurbished and polished, of course) from my dear Moleskin... perhaps that'll be my farewell.



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