Wednesday, December 1, 2010

stupid questions.

they have the right to be ignored.

For the few readers that I have, you may be wondering why I didn't finish that 30-day challenge. "Where are days 29 & 30?" you may wonder. Well, I'm sorry to say that I didn't bother with the last two questions because they were dumb stupid (is that considered redundant?) The 29th question was "In this past month, what have you learned?" and the 30th question was "Who are you"....................wts.

Now, when I read these two questions, a whole crapload of questions of my own shot through my head. What have I learned? Through this so-called "challenge"? Orrr throughout the past month in general? What CAN I learn, really, answering these questions? Are they serious? Who am I? WTF? Do they really expect me to answer this? Or be ABLE to answer this? What kind of question is "who are you" anyway??? WTFFFF?!

In conclusion, I refuse to answer both questions.



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