Wednesday, March 10, 2010

central park.

IS manhattan.

I wrote an entry about the montrous street (although "street" is much too minimal a word to describe "Broadway") that slices through the whole of Manhattan not too long ago. Today, I took a glance at Central Park.

In a city where skyscrapers prevail, and hints of nature only exist where man intentionally plants 'em, Central Park is Manhattan's saving grace, quite literally. Have you ever once stopped to think how much LESS oxygen there would be without all of Central Park's trees and grass? I'm convinced we New Yorkers would be gasping for breath everyday trying to slurp into our lungs every last bit of oxygen we can find. Have you ever once stopped to take a look at all of Central Park's grandiosity? It looks like God took a big green dump full of ducks and ponds and plants and it landed smack in the middle of the strip we call home, Manhattan. Thank you, Lord.

In all seriousness though, Central Park has one hell of a name. Central, is it alright. There really is no other Park quite like it, is there?

So excited that the weather is getting nice so that everyone and their mothers can all swarm to the Park and tan and throw footballs/frisbees and walk their dogs and take a deeep breath and smell the... gas coming from yellowcab exhaust pipes. Sigh.



1 comment:

  1. lol like nyc was the natural state of the land and God decided to crap on top of it to make it greener.

    i like that imagery
