Monday, August 31, 2009

life's too short.

we hear this all the time.
life's too short to this and that and the other.
today, life is too short to look just average.

A friend of mine told this to another friend of mine and she in turn, repeated this to me: "Life is too short to look just average." 'Tis true.

The friend who said this initially was spotted recently with significantly less fat and significantly more muscle and tone in his body. Boy, was I shocked! I guess he has really been living this saying out. Good for him, I wish I could do the same.

I've always been more than satisfied with my looks (as evident from my previous posts, haha). Recently however, my very own mother has been asking me if I wanted to get my nose done in Korea. My reaction was "Mommy, do you not think your daughter is pretty enough?" I was sad. I've never given any serious thought to plastic surgery and to think that my own mother thought I needed to go under the knife was depressing. I have many friends who have gotten double-eyelid surgery and nose surgery as well, but I've never wanted it. Now, I'm not so sure...

JUST KEEDING. After much thought, I have come to the realization that I am beautiful just the way God made me and I will never ever ever get any form of cosmetic surgery.

But, I WILL lose weight. Losing weight can make a world of a difference and my weight has yo-yo'd enough! I will lose 15 pounds and STAY 15 pounds lighter permanently. Perhaps my nose will appear sharper and my eyes bigger once I lose some damn weight. DAMN YOU, FAT! DAMN YOU, APPETITE! DAMN, YOU GOOD FOOD! DAMN YOU, LACK OF SELF-CONTROL!!!

"Life is too short to look just average." To this I say, "I am definitely looking a mile above average right now, but I don't want to live this short life looking anything less than my best." I am not at my best right now, folks.

To seeing myself 15 pounds lighter-




  1. Die you ugly bitch !!!

  2. i have no idea who you are, but you need to relax and not leave random comments on my blog ever again because i WILL find you and wring your ugly neck.
