Thursday, October 28, 2010

tailbone tears.

the worst pain i have ever felt.
(besides heartache)

While snowboarding one fine winter day, I got off the lift and a couple of friends and I were fooling around before strapping ourselves in. Consequently, I slipped on the ice and fell hard on my ass onto someone's board and hit my tailbone square on. It was the most excruciating pain I have ever felt. The initial pain wore off eventually and I was able to manage a few more rides down the slopes. Each ride, however, was more and more difficult. By the end of the day, I couldn't sit or walk without a sharp pain shooting up from my ass throughout my spine. There was something definitely wrong here.

The ride back home was hell. I tried sitting, squatting, laying down, leaning, EVERYTHING; I just could not get comfortable. As I stepped down from the car, I froze and screamed as another lightning bolt of pain punctured my butthole and sent its way up to the back of my neck. For the next couple of months (yes, not days, not weeks, MONTHS) I couldn't climb a single step, I couldn't get into bed, I couldn't use the toilet, I couldn't sit, I couldn't bend down, without the assistance of someone (or something, like my donut pillow), without freezing up, and without shedding a few tears because of the immense pain in my tailbone.

As the months wore on, the pain wore out. I got acupuncture, I went to the chiropractor, I did all sorts of things to heal my injury. The one thing I probably should've done, get an x-ray, I didn't do... I don't know why... After that incident, I hurt my back badly twice--once, playing tackle football and another time deep-frying rice-cakes (don't ask), resulting in even more damage to my tailbone and a permanently effed-up back (I have no idea how I am going to give birth). In any event, I have been terrified of going back up the mountains to go boarding ever since. I've only gone twice since my tailbone incident and the first time, I was only able to ride down twice. It's been almost 5 years since that dreadful winter of '06 and I am ready to face my fears. Especially because I want these bad babies:
Von Zipper Chakra Black Candy Stripe Goggles + Smoke Pink Chrome

How beautiful. The manfriend is also a boarding fanatic so that's the main reason why I'll probably be forced to reunite with the slopes this winter.

Excited but terrified.



1 comment:

  1. I brusied my tailbone riding on a rollercoaster ride. I had to sit on an ass donut wherever I went.

    Hope your tailbone is feeling okay :)
