Friday, October 29, 2010

day 10.

songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, and mad.

happy - anything epik high
sad - anything leessang
bored - anything disney or broadway
hyped - anything 2ne1 or mainstream house
mad - anything j.legend or j.stone

Thursday, October 28, 2010

tailbone tears.

the worst pain i have ever felt.
(besides heartache)

While snowboarding one fine winter day, I got off the lift and a couple of friends and I were fooling around before strapping ourselves in. Consequently, I slipped on the ice and fell hard on my ass onto someone's board and hit my tailbone square on. It was the most excruciating pain I have ever felt. The initial pain wore off eventually and I was able to manage a few more rides down the slopes. Each ride, however, was more and more difficult. By the end of the day, I couldn't sit or walk without a sharp pain shooting up from my ass throughout my spine. There was something definitely wrong here.

The ride back home was hell. I tried sitting, squatting, laying down, leaning, EVERYTHING; I just could not get comfortable. As I stepped down from the car, I froze and screamed as another lightning bolt of pain punctured my butthole and sent its way up to the back of my neck. For the next couple of months (yes, not days, not weeks, MONTHS) I couldn't climb a single step, I couldn't get into bed, I couldn't use the toilet, I couldn't sit, I couldn't bend down, without the assistance of someone (or something, like my donut pillow), without freezing up, and without shedding a few tears because of the immense pain in my tailbone.

As the months wore on, the pain wore out. I got acupuncture, I went to the chiropractor, I did all sorts of things to heal my injury. The one thing I probably should've done, get an x-ray, I didn't do... I don't know why... After that incident, I hurt my back badly twice--once, playing tackle football and another time deep-frying rice-cakes (don't ask), resulting in even more damage to my tailbone and a permanently effed-up back (I have no idea how I am going to give birth). In any event, I have been terrified of going back up the mountains to go boarding ever since. I've only gone twice since my tailbone incident and the first time, I was only able to ride down twice. It's been almost 5 years since that dreadful winter of '06 and I am ready to face my fears. Especially because I want these bad babies:
Von Zipper Chakra Black Candy Stripe Goggles + Smoke Pink Chrome

How beautiful. The manfriend is also a boarding fanatic so that's the main reason why I'll probably be forced to reunite with the slopes this winter.

Excited but terrified.



day 9.

something you're proud of in the past few days.

I'm proud of how well I played on the golf course last weekend.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

day 8.

short-term goals for this month and why.

The month of October is nearly at its end so I will touch upon my goals for November.

-pray. pray. pray. because prayer works.
-complete my business proposal because i must make my dreams a reality ASAP.
-take really good care of my skin because i feel pretty.
-spend a maximum of $100 a week because November is full of birthdays.
-lose enough weight to balance out the amount of food i will consume during Thanksgiving. (no explanation needed, right?)
-love. love. love. because love is powerful.
-be cool because my daddy says so.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

umeboshi & ikura.

a ball of rice's best friend.

When I was in elementary school, I had a number of best friends. My first best friend was Korean, my second was Japanese, and my third was Indian. I'll talk about the first and third ones later; we're focusing on the second one today. Her name was Yuko Matsuki and she had a horrible twitching problem. It wasn't like she had Tourettes or anything, she just did some strange spasms here and there.

Anyway, I used to go over her house a whole lot because she would give me cute Japanese stickers and candies and such but most importantly, her mother would make us these amazing Japanese rice balls with bits of umeboshi all over (Japanese plum). OMG so good. Yuko used to pack these things for lunch and being the fatass I am, I used to steal them from her acting like I felt bad- "ooo~ are you really don't have to...*YOINK*..." and I'd swipe those bad boys and eat 'em in one salivating bite. To this day, umeboshi and Yuko have a special place in my heart.

This isn't what Yuko's mom's riceballs looked like but you get the idea.

Ikua (salmon roe) is also a favorite of mine.
If there is one of these on a sushi platter, you don't get to eat it. I do.

When 2 become 1~~~ Behold: Heaven in a riceball.

GAH so simple yet SO TASTY! Japanese know their balls... of rice.



day 7.

a picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.

I'm not going to be cliche and put up a picture of my mother or God or an impoverished country. I am just going to be honest:

Maybe not the biggest impact, but most certainly a significant impact. Don't judge me; it's the first thing that came to mind.

Monday, October 25, 2010


the perfect costume.

My friend had a brilliant idea for a Halloween costume, but I was just inspired to be him instead:

Oh how I wish!!!

days 4-6.

a habit you wish you didn't have:

-obsessing over/regretting the past
-snoozing my alarm a bajillion times every morning
-all my strange OCD habits that make even the simplest tasks stressful
-speaking without thinking
-the list goes on...

a picture of somewhere you've been to:

Port-Au-Prince, Haiti (Me, my assistant Javin, and my class)

Port-Au-Prince, Haiti

your favorite superhero and why?

Harry Potter, Jack Bauer, and Hercules (in that order). Harry Potter is #1 for reasons that I think are quite obvious, Jack Bauer is #2 for reasons that will become apparent once you watch the first few seasons of 24, and Hercules is #3 because is he hot.

(I don't blog over the weekend which is why I decided to put these days together. Oh, and also because I do what I want.)

Friday, October 22, 2010

day 3.

a picture of you and your friends.

These were taken after a great night of food, drinks, and girl-talk with my leading ladies a few days ago (Ashley Kim is missing because she decided to be too cool and go back home to jersey instead of partaking in the cab-selca-festivities). We're a unique bunch, that's for sure.

I love my girlfriends <3

Thursday, October 21, 2010

quick thought #23.


forget that.

we need action-provoking.

day 2.

the meaning behind your tumblr (blogspot) name.

Well, isn't it obvious?

I write. I'm a writer.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

day 1.

a recent picture of yourself
& 15 interesting facts about yourself.
1- i am obsessed with giving/getting manicures
2- i love scott schulman's and garance dore's blogs
3- i poo more than i eat which is probably why i am not obese
4- i close my eyes and sleep in the shower for about 3 minutes every morning
5- i have a lover and his name is 'hot sauce'
6- i have many small birthmarks around my chest area
7- i may seem like a bitch but i actually have a big sensitive ole heart
8- i wish i was involved in any aspect of musical theater
9- i make truly awesome pasta
10- i am a third-degree black belt in taekwondo
11- i hate it that i can't wear what i want every day
12- i would collect blankets if i could
13- i have a mouth that always speaks my mind
14- i won't settle for anything less than the stars
15- i am incredibly blessed by a God who loves me unconditionally

This was fun. I look forward to Days 2-30.

tumblr challenge.

on blogspot.

A number of friends have been engaging themselves in this so-called "Tumblr Challenge." The challenge is a consecutive 30-day posting frenzy inclusive of these fun prompts:

Day 1. A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.
Day 2. The meaning behind your Tumblr name.
Day 3. A picture of you and your friends.
Day 4. A habit you wish you didn't have.
Day 5. A picture of somewhere you've been to.
Day 6. Favorite superhero and why.
Day 7. A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.
Day 8. Short-term goals for this month and why.
Day 9. Something you're proud of in the past few days.
Day 10. Songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad.
Day 11. Another picture of you and your friends.
Day 12. How you found out about Tumblr (or Blogspot) and why you made one.
Day 13. A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 14. A picture of you and your family.
Day 15. Put your iPod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play.
Day 16. Another picture of yourself.
Day 17. Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why.
Day 18. Plans/dreams/goals you have.
Day 19. Nicknames y ou have; why do you have them?
Day 20. Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future.
Day 21. A picture of something that makes you happy.
Day 22. What makes you different from everyone else?
Day 23. Something you crave for a lot.
Day 24. A letter to your parents.
Day 25. What I would find in your bag?
Day 26. What do you think about your friends?
Day 27. Why are you doing this 30-day challenge.
Day 28. A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since?
Day 29. In this past month, what have you learned?
Day 30. Who are you?

As per my previous post, Blogspot doesn't allow copying and pasting so I just typed all that out. Geez-louise. I love doing stuff like this though so I don't really mind. I'm not going to start this challenge just right now.

Perhaps in a couple of minutes...



Monday, October 18, 2010


i think this time apart came at an excellent time.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

quick thought #22.

i love/hate that you can't copy & paste into blogspot.

quick thought #21.

i hate it when i wash my hands and reach up to dry them and the waterdrops slowly trickle down into the sleeve of my shirt.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

iunno about alla that.

to each its own, right?

A woman in her late 30's was found dancing on the ledge at a popular Korean club in NYC over the weekend. Apparently, she's a regular. In a way, that's pretty awesome that she's living it up and partying like a rockstar (wearing a belly-tee, mind you) at that age. She looks great for her age, too. However, as much as I love raging and frequenting all the hot korean spots on the weekends, at age 23, I am jaded and would much rather make dinner and watch a movie with the boyfriend at home.

Hopefully, when I'm approaching 40, I have more important things to do and better places to go than Third Floor Cafe and Circle.

Just sayin'.

Monday, October 11, 2010

founder of this land.

the great Italian, Christopher Columbus.

I mean, I understand it was an accident and all and you didn't MEAN to "find" America and I know in actuality, you really didn't "find" anything at all but STILL. If you have a freaking day named after you, we can at the very least make it a national holiday no? He is definitely rolling over in his grace thinking, "Wtf, ungrateful bastards are living on the soil I founded and won't even give me the right to a National Holiday."

All of my friends, including myself, are slaving away in our offices on Columbus Day. Except for my friend Sarah, who works for Bank of America. I'm thinking since it's Bank of AMERICA they decided to live up to their name and be patriotic and give their employees the day off. Kudos.

My firm gave us "casual Monday" today. In honor of Christopher Columbus, we are all wearing jeans. Thank you Mr. Columbus.

One more hour...



Friday, October 8, 2010

i love it when you...

i love it when you check yourself out in the mirror

i love it when you work diligently behind the bar

i love it when you speak english

i love it when you speak chinese

i love it when you teach me hard words in korean

i love it when you have an opinion about everything

i love it when you kiss my forehead

i love it when you play the guitar

i love it when you skateboard

i love it when you smile so your eyes get all crinkly

i love it when you clean like a madman

i love it when you try to get my approval

i love it when you nuzzle your head on my shoulder

i love it when you call me tiger

i love it when you fix and assemble things for me

i love it when you cook me dinner

i love it when you parallel park like a pro

i love it when you hang out with my dad and his friends

i love it when you help my mom clean the house

i love it when you let me win

i love it when you write me long messages on the subway

i love it when you come to church with me

i love it when you get excited about food

i love it when you get excited about clothes/shoes

i love it when you ask me for a hug

i love it when you cup my face in your hands

i love it when you stare intently at me

i love it when you worry about me

i love it when you act like a baby

i love it when you know it all

i love it when you act like a macho man's man

i love it when you sing them high notes

i love it when you do your dance at home

i love it that this list is neverending...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

disturbing conversations.

my parents are sometimes
much too honest...

My monthly friend is visiting this week and my back is killing me from her untimely visit. I was telling my mother this when she responded with a more than slightly disturbing little chant.

Me: "Mommy I have the worst backache.... :("
Mommy: "Take a pill jill! kkk =P"
Me: "Hahaha.. is that a new one mama?"
Mommy: "Hehe actually it's very old.. the whole thing goes like this, "Jack and Jill went up the hill to have a little fun!! Stupid Jill forgot the pill and now they have a son!!!" This is what daddy used to recite to me when I first met him when he was in high school~~~"
Me: ".........."
Mommy: "I guess he learned it from his ALL BLACK boys high school... sigh..."

This was almost as strange a conversation as when I had the sex-talk with my father.

I love my parents and their open and honest communication with me but sometimes it's definitely TMI.



Tuesday, October 5, 2010

rock that purple shirt.

the manfriend, a model.

The manfriend was recently asked to model for an ad for a new lounge that is opening in New York. He is truly rocking that purple shirt whilst drilling holes in that white chick with his eyes.

You go babe.

Friday, October 1, 2010

ciao bello.

the finest.

Italian Men.

They really don't make 'em like this in America. Never have I seen men looking like that- even in fashion-forward New York City. This is just a totally different breed of man. I don't even want to taint this lovely image with a less-than-accurate attempt at describing all the intricate details of each gentleman's style and poise. Truly beautiful.

Take me to Milan.

