Wednesday, December 16, 2009

my dad cracks me up.

blackberry messaging
is always more fun with daddy.

I know I always post tidbits of conversations between me and my parents and I know people don't really care what words are exchanged between my folks and I, but this conversation was particularly amusing:

Me: I'm going into the war room now daddy.
Daddy: Ok. Pls be sure to wear a helmet and bulletproof vest.
Daddy: And stay low.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! For those of you who don't get the hilarity behind what he said, it's probably because you don't know what a "war room" is. Basically, it's just a remote space where attorneys (litigators and whoever else is needed) and their clients can meet to discuss the case and strategies and whatever else is relevant before they go into court. They're usually set-up when convening at a firm's permanent office is inconvenient or impossible.

I love Daddy and his imagination. I blog about him quite a bit, don't I?



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