Friday, October 2, 2009

one thing.

is all it really takes.

What I'm about to write about is something quite obvious but I just had to blog about it with one particular person in mind.

The "one thing" I am referring to in the title of this entry ranges from a specific hobby, to a skill, to a passion. That sounds really vague, so to put it plainly, it is really effing hot when someone is super passionate about their craft. There are at least 10 or so people I can talk endless praise about, who fit the above description, but I will focus on just one person for now.

Tablo from Epik High:

I cannot believe I am writing about a Kpop star in my blog, but I have developed a newfound obsession with Tablo from Epik High. I'm not going to go on excessively about the absolute brilliance that encompasses the mind, body, and soul of Tablo. I will just say that this guy is a lyrical genius when it comes to his poetic lyrics and his one-liners. He is just so damn good with words and when putting those words to a beat, no one has Tablo beat. Whoa, totally unintentionally pulled a lyrical genius moment there, myself. The scrawny insect-resembling leader of one of the most musically gifted and talented groups of mainstream Korean music today, says some incredibly profound things in his interviews and through his music. Take a careful listen next time.

Tiger JK is also someone who fits this description. The dude is just... amazing. I think Tablo tries to mirror his mindset to that of Tiger JK. I know these guys are both just popular Korean artists but there's something really awesome going on in the minds of Tablo and Tiger JK.

I know there are so many people like them, in that they hone their skill or craft to near-perfection and leave the rest of us plebians in awe along the way, but I just recently discovered Tablo and Tiger JK's hotness, so bear with me. You know, I wish I was particularly good at something. Not just good but particularly good. Good enough or passionate enough to get good. Does that make sense? I so dearly wish I had a talent that I was confident in, enough so that it set me apart and distinguished me from others, even slightly. I used to think it was too late for me to pick up a serious hobby, but I get inspired everyday by people who truly follow their dreams. How corny does that sound? In all seriousness though, my hidden passion is musical theater (every and all aspects of it) so perhaps one day I'll try my hand at a small role somewhere... eep!

All this really just boils down to molding yourself into the best "you" that you can be. Again, corny as hell, but this life will end without warning, so why not discover all of you while you still can, right?



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