Wednesday, July 22, 2009

classy people.

my office is full of them.

"I'm going to poo all over my hands and wipe them on your desk!"

There is a sign in the women's bathroom at my firm that reminds us to employ proper bathroom etiquette. The sign says things such as "flush" and "throw paper towels in trash bin, not in the toilet (or on the floor)" and "wash your hands." A really classy coworker of mine drew the above picture on the sign. I find this hilarious every time I utilize this particular stall so I had to take a picture. Someone (probably the same witty person who drew that stick figure) also wrote "duh" underneath "wash your hands." I guess working countless hours on tedious personal injury cases makes people particularly crass. I wonder what the other ladies in the restroom were thinking when they heard the shutter on my cameraphone go off... how embarrassing.



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