Tuesday, May 17, 2011

that i'm better.

than you.

Something so stupid was driving me absolutely insane and my dear friend Ji cleared it all up for me in one simple sentence:

Ji: "I think we just want to know that we're better."

"Better" can signify so many things but in the greater (and general) sense of the word and for our purposes, this seemingly succinct, yet unfathomably complex statement will suffice to satisfy my inane obsession with aforementioned "stupid something."

The end.

Special thanks to Ji&Mon.



Tuesday, May 10, 2011

it's been a while.

i'm sorry for neglecting you :(

Work has been kicking. my. ass. so I haven't been able to pay any attention to this lil' ole blog but I came across something today that made me CRACK UP so I had to post it:

Product Review (submitted on May 9, 2011):
I lub flatz but dey always make my feet bleed cuz my feets is sensitive. Anywayz i done bought these Toms and omg guess what? my feet did not bled and i didnt git no blisterz either! Dey look so pretty 2! Nd so shiny. Oh and normally shoes be making my feet stank but not these! LUB THEM!

LOLOL I was on the Tom's website and saw this review.  I mean seriously, is this person for real?  I can't believe there are actually people who write like that.  I think I was more surprised because it was on the Tom's website.  I probably wouldn't have been as surprised if I saw it on like, the Apple Bottoms website. 

Today is Buddha's birthday.  I never even knew Buddha HAD a birthday but apparently, today is it!  And the only reason why I know and why I am celebrating is because the Hong Kong and Korea markets are closed today because it's a national holiday!  Which means a slow day at work for Cheryl!

On a totally different note, I have to lose weight.  That's all I can think about lately, damn.  But it's so hard, double damn.

