Wednesday, January 12, 2011

last bit o'...


I've developed a strange habit. For whatever incomprehensible reason, I just cannot bring myself to finish a Skittle. No, I don't mean a bag of Skittles; I mean one singular chewy fruity Skittle.

I love the new Crazy Core Skittles and normally, I can finish an entire bag in one sitting. I bought a bag 3 days ago and I am still struggling to get through them. They have been sitting at my desk in my office waiting to be devoured. This inability to finish the bag is bizarre in itself. What's more bizarre is the fact that I absolutely cannot bring myself to chew and swallow the last morsel of a Skittle. I've been eating them one by one until there's nothing but literally a peppercorn-sized bit of the Skittle left... and then I spit it out.

I now have a bunch of these little morsels on a napkin in front of me. I didn't even realize I was doing this until I saw the napkin...

That's all.



Monday, January 10, 2011


right into the trash.

I spend a minimum of 45 hours in the office a week. A third of those hours spent at my cubicle are used to complete work-related tasks. Another third of those hours are spent doing absolutely wasteful things such as... writing this blog entry. The final third of those 45+ hours is spent dreaming about what life would be like outside of an office.

When I get home at around 7pm, I have approximately 4 hours until I start getting really sleepy. Every minute out of those four hours is spent in a state of absolute fatigue.

9 hours in the office, void of sunlight and energy, literally rotting away at my desk in front of a monitor that wants to do all but take over my life. 4 hours to spend with the people I care about and have to do whatever the hell I want.

This is not the life I want to live; now or ever. I know what I want to do to live the life I want to live. The only question is........... when?

I guess the answer is......... now.



quick thought #...idunno.

I need my eyelashes back and my braces off, stat.

On a happier note, purchased a beautiful Ralph Lauren coat, a 686 boarding jacket, and much-needed Nike sneakers this past weekend.

I am a happy but broke camper!


ps: Happy New Year everyone. Many many blessings in 2011!