Wednesday, February 24, 2010

i miss my brother.

i wonder if he misses me?

I love the relationship that my baby brother and I have. It's funny that I call him babybro actually, because he is only a year and a half younger than me. Regardless, he is my baby brother and he has definitely grown up too fast.

He is one of those people that you love to love or you love to hate. I'm always either loving him to pieces or really annoyed/mad at him. There's never a middle ground. 95% of the time I'm loving him, though. The other 5%... let's not go there right now, I'm in my "loving" stage and I don't want to risk converting to the other side.

He can be the world's biggest asshole or the world's sweetest ladies' man. I think above all else, he has charisma and that will hopefully take him far. Last night, he says this to me:

Babybro: I hope you fall in love sometime soon.

Aaawww, I was really touched that he said this because I've been feeling the need to fall in love lately and the fact that he wished love upon me was a good feeling. Most of my guy friends told me I was being stupid and that I a) didn't need love, just a rich guy and that b) girls don't know what they want. So, THANK YOU babybrother for understanding, appreciating, and encouraging my yearn to fall in love. Just when I was all smitten over my sweet little bro-cheeks and was considering what I should say/give to him in return (perhaps a benjamin? lil' bit o' allowance? haha), he goes ahead and says this:

Babybro: And that you become rich and give me lots of money.

Sigh. What can I say? The kid is a mind-reader. I sincerely hope that one day I can give him more than just money. A genuine gift from the heart from his one and only big sis. I don't know what that gift is just yet, but when the day comes to give it, I'll be ready.

Miss you David. Love you.



Wednesday, February 17, 2010


that is how many teeth i have.

I still can't believe I got 10 (TEN) teeth pulled in one sitting. I didn't have this blog to write in back when this horrific moment in my life happened, but had I blogged then, I imagine I would've posted something like this:


2 years and change later, I am proudly(?) toothless. I possess straighter teeth but still, toothless the same. Man. My roommate got her ONE wisdom tooth pulled out today. Noob-sauce f'sho. I still have the bag of teeth somewhere in my room. I told myself that I'd commemorate the poor things by stringing them onto a necklace of some sort, but I thought about it and realized that that's just barbaric. Not to mention creepy.

I miss my molars :(



Friday, February 12, 2010

quick thought #11

I love the way my cellphone smells.

It tells of where I've been--more precisely, what my hands have touched.

egotistical or not.

we love each other
still the same.

Friends come and leave as enemies, acquaintances, or as a mere name. I've had relationships falter and end as all of the above. Four girls are at my side today but who knows when they'll leave?

It's interesting how every single one of us is really quite unlike the other. Usually friends start to resemble each other after a while, but this isn't the case with us. We have inside jokes and giggle at similar things but ultimately, we are so different. I won't go through all the reasons why and how we differ from one another, but I will talk about one thing: our egos.

J and C are quite similar in the way they perceive themselves. Simply, they think and claim to know that they are pretty damn attractive and fierce. They are not ashamed of this self-perception, no matter how skewed or biased, and flaunt their opinions unabashedly.

L & Little A are quite similar in that they seem indifferent to their attractive qualities. While not insecure by any means, they are not conceited like J & C. They laugh (well, A laughs but L laughs and sneers) when J & C are being ridiculously big-headed and never join in on the fun. Both are quieter in nature than J & C so perhaps this is the reason for their muted opinions.

Big A is in a group of her own. She insists that other girls are prettier than her and proves herself quite insecure at times, until she says things like:

Big A: I think I have an amazing smile.

Then she reveals her not-as-egotistical side in an egotistical way:

Big A: I saw a pic on my phone I was so pleasantly surprised by my own beauty and so I sent it to my email and I was immediately disappointed when I saw it blown up.

Perhaps Big A is needed so that neither team JC nor team LA wins over the other. Perhaps LA will be more forthcoming with their hidden egos one day. Perhaps JC will be less forthcoming one day. Perhaps Big A will pick a side.

What I'm trying to say is, my friends are beautiful.



Thursday, February 11, 2010

quick thought #10

"I love it when, in the middle of our kiss, I feel you smile."

This seemed like an appropriate 10th quick thought.

scribble scribble.

words or a picture.
both are beautiful.

I've always wished I had drawing capabilities. Even a remotely perfect stick-figure is hard for me. I can scribble and I can scrabble but I cannot draw a recognizable image of anything. This is frustrating because my mind illustrates on a regular basis and my hand just fails to produce what my mind sees. How sad is that?

I scribble in a journal daily. Not fully comprehensive entries. Sometimes just a word. Or two. My handwriting isn't even pretty. Legible at best. Today, I tried to imitate an illustration from Garance Dore's blog. After I was done furiously scratching my pencil against my poor journal's pages, I laughed at how incredibly horrendous my imitation was.

Today, I realize my words are just as beautiful and oftentimes more profound than any doodle or picture. Hand, you have not failed.



Tuesday, February 2, 2010

life became fun again.

but i don't want
it to ever stop being fun.

I was talking to an acquaintance 8 years my senior. The brother is 30 and needs to get hitched. In response to my question of "why haven't you given marriage a serious thought?" he replied with, "life became fun again."

A million questions flooded my mind as I read his immensely childish yet excruciatingly valid answer. Was not life fun for you until recently? Do you only consider marriage when you're bored with life? Is married-life dull? At age 22, I am jumping the gun but an influx of wedding invitations, including one to one of my best friends, has got me thinking.

Life has been fun for me for 22 years. I don't want the fun to stop. His response is so sad for so many reasons. His grasp on life, his definition of fun, his vision of marriage; he has ruined the pristine beauty of all these things with that 4-word answer. If the day my fun expires is the day I say my wedding vows, maybe I should reconsider marriage.

HAHA! Yea, right. Mark my words, I will be a rockstar bride.

